When students are exposed to violence or feel unsafe at school, it can affect their academic performance and negatively impact their mental and physical health, sometimes with lasting consequences into adulthood (1, 2). The safety of school environments can be improved by creating positive school climates, strengthening youth mental health services, revamping school discipline policies, and supporting evidence-based violence prevention programs at the individual, family, school, and neighborhood levels (2, 3, 4). Strategies to increase school safety also should address bullying and harassment, which jeopardizes the well being of millions of students nationwide (5, 6). In addition, there is growing public concern around mass casualty events in schools, which (while rare) have increased in recent years (7, 8). Preventing and reducing all types of school violence will require continued collaboration across sectors to address student needs and behaviors, together with comprehensive efforts to strengthen protective factors in homes, schools, and communities (2, 3).
Policy and practice options that could enhance student and staff safety include:
- Providing schools with adequate support to create positive school climates—environments in which students feel valued, supported, and engaged—which are linked to lower rates of violence; such efforts should provide staff with ongoing training and students with systems of support to address their behavioral health needs (2, 4, 9)
- Supporting family- and school-based programs that build social-emotional skills including teamwork, communication, problem solving, and conflict resolution (2, 3)
- Expanding the workforce of qualified mental health professionals serving youth—particularly in under-resourced schools and communities—and ensuring that school staff are trained to recognize emotional and behavioral problems and refer students to appropriate services (2, 4, 10)
- Engaging all school stakeholders—students, families, teachers, leaders, and others—in developing shared codes of conduct, anti-bullying statements, and reporting systems for concerning behavior; these should pay particular attention to vulnerable populations (e.g., LGBTQ youth) and include training for bystanders and school staff on how to deal with bullying and cyberbullying incidents (5, 6, 9, 10)
- Ensuring that school emergency drills are developmentally appropriate, are sensitive to the unique needs of children participating (e.g., those with disabilities or past trauma), and consider carefully the emotional risks for students (8)
- Assuring that schools have non-punitive discipline policies that are clear, fair, and consistent, and that teachers and administrators are adequately trained; this should include trauma-informed, culturally-sensitive practices and a tiered system of appropriate responses to misconduct that keeps students in school when possible (2, 4)
- Promoting evidence-based violence prevention strategies that are tailored to community needs and led by cross-sector coalitions; for example, ensuring that youth are connected to caring adults through mentoring or after-school programs and that young children have nurturing early childhood environments (3)
For more information, see kidsdata.org’s Research & Links section. Also see Policy Implications under Bullying and Harassment at School, School Climate, and School Attendance and Discipline.
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