Recent Data Releases

Indicators and topics are updated continually on Access the latest releases through the links below.

The * notation identifies content that is new to

July 2024:

Family Structure

Households with and without Children
by City, School District and County (Regions of 10,000 Residents or More)
by Legislative District

Children in Cohabitating Couple Households
by City, School District and County (Regions of 10,000 Residents or More)
by Legislative District

Children in Same-Sex Couple Households
by City, School District and County (Regions of 10,000 Residents or More)
by Legislative District

Children in the Care of Grandparents
by City, School District and County (Regions of 10,000 Residents or More)
by Legislative District

June 2024:


Child Population (Regions of 10,000 Residents or More)
by Legislative District

Child Population, by Race/Ethnicity (Regions of 10,000 Residents or More)
by Legislative District

Children in Rural and Urban Areas (California & U.S. Only)

Low Birthweight and Preterm Births

Infants Born at Low Birthweight
by Mother's Age
by Mother's Race/Ethnicity

Infants Born at Very Low Birthweight

Preterm Births: Obstetric Estimates (OE) of Gestation

Preterm Births: Last Menstrual Period (LMP) Estimates of Gestation

May 2024:

Access to Services for Children with Special Needs

Preventive Care Visits, by Special Health Care Needs Status (California & U.S. Only)
by Race/Ethnicity*
by Type of Health Insurance*

Dental Care Visits, by Special Health Care Needs Status (California & U.S. Only)*

Usual Source of Sick Care, by Special Health Care Needs Status (California & U.S. Only)
by Health Care Setting*
by Income Level
by Type of Health Insurance

Difficulty Getting Needed Referrals for Children with Special Health Care Needs (California & U.S. Only)
by Complexity of Need

Receipt of Needed Specialist Care for Children with Special Health Care Needs (California & U.S. Only)*

Treatment or Counseling Services for Children with Special Health Care Needs with Behavioral or Mental Health Conditions (California & U.S. Only)

Early Intervention or Special Education Services, by Special Health Care Needs Status (California & U.S. Only)

Unmet Health Care Needs, by Special Health Care Needs Status (California & U.S. Only)
by Income Level

Housing Affordability and Resources

Households with a High Housing Cost Burden

Children Living in Crowded Households

Children Living in Households with a Broadband-Connected Device, by Age Group
by Household English Proficiency
by Income Level
by Presence of Parents
by Race/Ethnicity


Children without Secure Parental Employment

March 2024:

Characteristics of Children with Special Needs

Children with Special Health Care Needs
by Age Group (California & U.S. Only)
by Sex (California & U.S. Only)
by Income Level (California & U.S. Only)*
by Race/Ethnicity (California & U.S. Only)
by Race/Ethnicity and Income Level (California & U.S. Only)*
by Receipt of SSI Benefits (California & U.S. Only)*
by Type of Condition (California & U.S. Only)
by Number of Conditions (California & U.S. Only)
by Complexity of Need (California & U.S. Only)
by Type of Health Insurance (California & U.S. Only)*

Prevalence of Special Health Care Needs Among Children, by Type of Health Insurance (California & U.S. Only)

Children with Behavioral or Mental Health Conditions, by Special Health Care Needs Status (California & U.S. Only)

Children's Weight Level, by Special Health Care Needs Status (California & U.S. Only)

Children with Adverse Experiences (Parent Reported), by Number and Special Health Care Needs Status (California & U.S. Only)

Children Who Are Resilient (Parent Reported), by Special Health Care Needs Status (California & U.S. Only)

Children with Major Disabilities

Children with and without Major Disabilities, by Health Insurance Coverage Status

Children Who Have Received a Developmental Screening

February 2024:

Disconnected Youth

Teens Ages 16-19 Not in School and Not Working

January 2024:

Teen Births

Teen Births
by Age Group
by Race/Ethnicity

October 2023:


Homeless Public School Students
by Grade Level
by Nighttime Residence

Unaccompanied Homeless Youth (Point-in-Time Count), by Age Group and Shelter Status

Housing Affordability and Resources

Households with a High Housing Cost Burden
by City, School District and County (Regions of 10,000 Residents or More)
by Legislative District

Children Living in Crowded Households
by City, School District and County (Regions of 10,000 Residents or More)
by Legislative District

Children Living in Households with a Broadband-Connected Device, by Age Group
by City, School District and County (Regions of 10,000 Residents or More)
by Household English Proficiency
by Income Level
by Presence of Parents
by Race/Ethnicity


Children without Secure Parental Employment
by City, School District and County (Regions of 10,000 Residents or More)
by Legislative District

September 2023:


Firearm Injury Hospitalizations
by Intent (California Only)
by Intent and Age Group (California Only)
by Intent and Sex (California Only)
by Race/Ethnicity (California Only)

July 2023:

Infant Mortality

Infant Mortality
by Cause of Death (California & U.S. Only)
by Mother's Race/Ethnicity (California & U.S. Only)