Infants Born at Low Birthweight, by Mother's Race/Ethnicity
Definition: Percentage of infants born weighing less than 2,500 grams (approximately 5 lbs, 8 oz), by mother's race/ethnicity (e.g., in 2017, 6.6% of infants born to California Hispanic/Latina mothers were born at low birthweight).Number of infants born weighing less than 2,500 grams (approximately 5 lbs, 8 oz), by mother's race/ethnicity (e.g., in 2017, 14,500 infants born to California Hispanic/Latina mothers were born at low birthweight).
Data Source: California Dept. of Public Health, Birth Statistical Master Files; CDC WONDER, Natality Data (Mar. 2020).
Footnote: Race/ethnicity categories are mutually exclusive. County-level data reflect the mother's county of residence, not the county in which the birth occurred. Data exclude infants for whom birthweight information is missing. The notation S refers to data that have been suppressed because there were fewer than 20 low-birthweight infants born to women in that group. N/A means that data are not available. Race/ethnicity definitions changed for California in 2000 and for the U.S. in 2016; use caution when comparing data across time.