Students Meeting or Exceeding Grade-Level Standard in English Language Arts (CAASPP), by Race/Ethnicity
Definition: Percentage of public school students in grades 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, and 11 scoring in the standard met or standard exceeded achievement level on the CAASPP Smarter Balanced Summative Assessment for English language arts/literacy (ELA), by race/ethnicity (e.g., in 2021, 37.6% of Hispanic/Latino students in California met or exceeded their grade-level standard in ELA).
Footnote: Years presented are the final year of a school year (e.g., 2020-21 is shown as 2021). Race/ethnicity categories are mutually exclusive. Visit the California Assessment of Student Performance and Progress (CAASPP) website for detailed information about the CAASPP system and explanations of the achievement levels. Assessments were not administered in 2020. Due to changes in administration, and low and uneven participation in 2021, the Dept. of Education (2020-21 CAASPP and ELPAC Assessment Results) advises against comparing data for 2021—annotated here with an asterisk (*)—with earlier years. The notation S refers to data that have been suppressed because there were fewer than 20 students in that group. N/A means that data are not available.