Definition: Estimated percentage of children ages 6-17 who are calm and in control when facing a challenge (e.g., in 2016-2017, 57.3% of California children ages 6-17 were resilient).
Data Source: Population Reference Bureau, analysis of data from the National Survey of Children's Health and the American Community Survey (Nov. 2019).
Footnote: Due to changes in methodology, these estimates should not be compared with data from earlier years. Resilient children are those about whom the following statement is "definitely true" according to their parents: This child stays calm and in control when faced with a challenge. These estimates are based on a survey of the population and are subject to both sampling and nonsampling error. U.S. and California data are direct estimates from the National Survey of Children's Health (NSCH). County-level data are based on methods of local area estimation using the NSCH and American Community Survey.