Definition: Estimated percentage of adults with and without adverse childhood experiences (ACEs) before age 18, by presence of children ages 0-17 in the household, number of ACEs, and sexual orientation (e.g., in 2013-2019, among straight adults ages 18 and older in California living in households with children, 17.6% had been exposed to four or more ACEs).
Data Source: California Dept. of Public Health, Injury and Violence Prevention Branch, California Behavioral Risk Factor Surveillance System custom tabulation (Mar. 2022).
Footnote: This indicator reports on eight adverse childhood experiences: (1) parents were separated or divorced, (2) witnessed domestic violence in the home, (3) household member was mentally ill, (4) household member abused alcohol or drugs, (5) household member was sentenced to serve time in jail or prison, (6) experienced physical abuse at home, (7) experienced verbal abuse at home, (8) experienced sexual abuse. These estimates are based on a survey of the population and are subject to both sampling and nonsampling error. The notation S refers to estimates that have been suppressed because the margin of error is greater than 10 percentage points. The annotation [!] indicates that the margin of error is greater than 5 percentage points but not greater than 10 percentage points.