Results by Domain


The California Index of Child and Youth Well-Being

Results by Domain


While conditions improved overall for California's children from 1995 to 2006, growth was uneven across the five domains of well-being that compose the overall index. Four of the five domains showed improvement. However, the Family Economic Well-Being domain declined from 1995 to 2006, due largely to the deteriorating rates of affordable housing and increasing rates of child poverty.

Rate of Improvement from 1995 to 2006 for the
Five Domain Indices:

(Improvement from each region's 1995 base)



Bay Area

Educational Attainment
Emotional Well-Being
Family Economic Well-Being
Safety/Behavioral Concerns







View Charts by Domain:

Note: The charts above for the Family Economic Well-Being and the Safety and Behavioral Concerns domains offer data through 2007, not 2006.










For more information about breakdowns by domain, please see this study's full report.


