This graph shows the rate of improvement in the Child and Youth Well-Being Index for Asians across three regions: Los Angeles County, the Bay Area, and California. It's important to note that the starting points for these three regions -- that is, the 100 value in 1995 -- is relative to each region, meaning, for example, that Asian children in California and Los Angeles didn’'t start at the same level.

Note: The definitions of the racial/ethnic groups depend on the data sources, which sometimes vary. For example, some sources combine Filipinos and Pacific Islanders under "Asian" and other sources break out Pacific Islanders and Filipinos separately. Since 2000, health-related data in California have distinguished Pacific Islanders (but not Filipinos) from Asians. Any inconsistency before and after the year 2000 due to these categorical changes was not adjusted due to lack of available data. Thus, the Asian category from 1995 to 1999 includes Pacific Islanders.