Lucile Packard Foundation for Children's Health      

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The Lucile Packard Foundation for Children's Health | August 31, 2011

The New School Year – Find Local Enrollment and Other Education Data

As districts statewide begin a new school year, has just updated public school enrollment figures to include data from the 2010-11 school year. This past school year, California's public schools enrolled 6.2 million students, which is about one million more students than in 1994, but about 100,000 fewer than in 2005. In a majority of counties and school districts in California, enrollments have declined since 2005.

Following are more data about public school enrollment in California, as well as links to related education data on

School Enrollment in California: Data Highlights

Statewide Changes in Racial/Ethnic Breakdowns

About three out of every four California students in public schools are students of color. More than half (51%) of students last school year were Hispanic/Latino, up from 37% in 1994. By comparison, the proportion of students who were Caucasian/White dropped from 42% in 1994 to 27% in 2011.

See these and other racial/ethnic trends through an animated chart of California public school enrollment on our Data Points blog.  

Map Your Community's School Enrollment Data

Click on the maps below and use the "Show Regions" menu to find local school district data.

African American/Black Students
In California, Solano County (17%) and Alameda and Sacramento counties (both at 14%) had the largest percentage of African American/Black public school students last school year. See map >>

Asian American Students
Among California counties, San Francisco (39%) and Santa Clara (27%) had the largest percentage of Asian American public school students last school year. See map >>

Caucasian/White Students
The California counties where 60% or more of students are Caucasian/White all are in Northern California, according to data from last school year. See map >>

Filipino Students
Among California counties, Solano (9%), San Mateo (8%), and San Francisco (5%) had the largest percentage of Filipino public school students this past school year. See map >>

Hispanic/Latino Students
Among California counties, Imperial (89%) and Monterey (74%) had the largest percentage of Hispanic/Latino public school students last school year. See map >>

Multiracial Students
Multiracial students make up 1.8% of public school students in California, according to 2011 data.  See map >>

Native American/Alaskan Native Students
Across California, there were 43,546 Native American/Alaskan Native public school students last school year. See map >>

Pacific Islander Students
Among California counties, San Mateo had the largest percentage of Pacific Islander public school students in 2011 (2.5%). See map>>

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This interactive motion chart shows various racial/ethnic trends in public school enrollment. Mascots is a program of the Lucile Packard Foundation of Children's Health, which uses data to promote the health and well being of children.
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