Lucile Packard Foundation for Children's Health      

kidsdata advisory

The Lucile Packard Foundation for Children's Health | October 28, 2011

New Tool Lets You Map Data by Legislative District

At, we often are asked whether we can provide child health data by legislative district. While data sets collected by district are limited (see related blog post), we have just launched a mapping tool that makes it easy to overlay legislative district boundaries over other data sets. This tool allows you to select the data you want and then add legislative borders, so that you can visualize what’s happening in one or more Congressional, State Senate, and Assembly districts statewide.

How To:

It takes less than a minute to create your legislative data map. See a step-by-step tutorial on how to use this legislative map overlay tool >>

Use This New Map Function to:

  • Build maps showing critical child health and well being data for your district
  • Identify data "hot spots" and areas of need
  • View data from previous years to see changes in your district over time
  • Print maps to take with you to advocacy or policy meetings

Some Examples:

Third Grade Reading Proficiency

Shown here: State Senate districts in the Los Angeles area.

Build your own map: Overlay legislative boundaries on third grade reading proficiency data>>

Free/Reduced Price School Meals
(a proxy measure for poverty)

Shown here: Assembly districts in the Central Valley. The large, darker district is Assembly District 17. Dark red areas have higher percentages of students eligible for free/reduced price school meals.

Build your own map: Overlay your legislative district on free/reduced price school meals data>>

Special Education Enrollment

Shown here: Assembly districts 6, 7, and 8 (from left to right) in the Bay Area.

Build your own map: Overlay your legislative district on special education enrollment data>> Mascot
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Don’t know your legislative district? Find out by clicking on "What's My District?" in the Customize This Map section. Mascots is a program of the Lucile Packard Foundation of Children's Health, which uses data to promote the health and well being of children.
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