Lucile Packard Foundation for Children's Health      

kidsdata advisory

The Lucile Packard Foundation for Children's Health | April 24, 2012

Almost One-Quarter of California Public School Students Are English Learners

Although the percentage of California public school students classified as English Learners has decreased slightly over the last five years, nearly one in four students (23.2%) were English Learners in 2011, according to data newly posted on

The percentage of English Learners varies widely across California counties, with the highest percentage in Imperial County (42.5%) in 2011 and the lowest in Tuolumne County (1.6%). Find data for your county or school district >>  

According to 2010 data (most recent available), approximately 85 percent of the 1.4 million students with limited English proficiency spoke Spanish as their primary language. Vietnamese (2.5%), Filipino (1.4%), and Cantonese (1.4%) were the next most common primary languages. Sixty different primary languages are reported among California students classified as English Learners.

Research shows that children in families with a primary language other than English experience disparities in health status, quality of health care services, and access to care, compared to children with English as a primary household language. Academically, children with limited English proficiency tend to have lower test scores than their native English-speaking peers, which can have implications for educational attainment and later socioeconomic success. More >>

English Language Learners, by Most Common Languages Spoken

Among the top 10 languages spoken for English Learners in California public schools, Arabic saw the biggest percentage increase from 1998-2010 (73%).
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Among the top 10 languages spoken for California English Learners, Armenian saw a big decline (45% from 1998-2010).
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California counties with the most Cantonese English Learners in public schools in 2010: Los Angeles (6,305), San Francisco (4,599), Alameda (3,374).
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Counties with the most Filipino English Learners in public schools in 2010: Los Angeles (4,397), San Diego (3,164), Santa Clara (2,301).
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Among the top 10 languages spoken for California public school English Learners, Hmong saw the biggest percentage decline from 1998-2010 (46%).
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California counties with the most Punjabi English Learners in public schools in 2010: Fresno (1,035), San Joaquin (969), Sacramento (921).
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California counties with the most Korean English Learners in public schools in 2010: Los Angeles (6,182), Orange (4,011), Santa Clara (1,020).
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In 2010, Los Angeles County had the most Mandarin English Learners of all California counties (4,884); however, Mandarin English Learners comprised 1.2% of that county’s English Learner population.
Map of Local Data>>

The vast majority of English Learners in California public schools (approximately 85% in 2010) have Spanish as a first language.
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California counties with the most Vietnamese English Learners in public schools 2010: Orange (12,430), Santa Clara (8,406), Los Angeles (3,896).
Map of Local Data>>

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Find more info about English Learners, including why it's important, policy implications, and key reports/websites. Mascots is a program of the Lucile Packard Foundation of Children's Health, which uses data to promote the health and well being of children.
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